Friday, March 5, 2010

Pay Per View Programming is Easy on the Budget

It can seem at times that there are new movies coming out all the time. In some respects, this is actually the truth. The film industry will release anywhere from 2 to 5 new movies to theaters every weekend. These movies that have made the big screen then drop to DVD and Blu-Ray within just a few short months. As consumers we can end up spending hundreds of dollars every month just trying to keep up. And that doesn't include re-watching your favorites, the oldies but goodies.

For example, if one were to go to the movies twice a month and buy two new releases when they first come out, the monthly bill could easily top $100 a month. In today’s economy, that $100 per month out of the budget can hurt. If you would rather have that money in your pocket, renting the movies is a great option. It also gives you the option of watching the movie on your own time and in your pajamas if you wish.

In order to rent these great movies, you have to drive to the video store, spend forever picking out the videos you want to watch (if they are even still there), then head back home. And who knows what else you’ll wind up doing while you’re out that will cost more money?

What is the solution? Pay Per View Movies you can rent directly from your remote control. New release movies, not long out of the theater, all available with the click of a button. Going out in the cold and snow during the winter, or the heat of the day during the summer simply to rent a video is completely unnecessary. With a few clicks of your remote or a simple phone call to your service provider, you can be watching that same movie within minutes.

With the convenience of On Demand, the flexibility of Pay Per Views goes one step further. Not only can you rent the movie you want to see while standing in the living room, but you can watch it whenever you choose. Another great option with Movies On Demand is you can pause it to answer the phone, let the dog out, or get snacks from the refrigerator.

Pay Per View brings you the latest and greatest movies at about the same time as the DVD releases. However, they will save you money. The downside may be you only get to watch it once, but it allows you to have the same convenience at a price that matches the rental prices from the video stores. All in all, taking advantage of the Pay Per View channels and On Demand is definitely a win-win situation.

DISH Network offers a variety of pricing and packages including High Definition, high-speed Internet, and a free upgrade to an HD DVR receiver. Visit DISH today or call 1-800-333-DISH (3474) to take advantage of all they have to offer.

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