Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The term "project management methodology" sounds like a term best used by a C-level executive might throw around in a board meeting. Or a phrase that an economic professor might base an entire lecture series on. Does that mean someone who has a project management certificate and that practices “project management methodology” has anything to do with the real world?

In a word, absolutely.

So, exactly what does the phrase "project management" actually mean to begin with?

The best way to view project management methodology is to make sure that you understand what project management is. A succinct working definition is that project management is the process of organizing people, techniques, and procedures to accomplish the completion of a specified project. Essentially, this means that project management is how you make sure that a project gets done. Any type of project can be managed this way, regardless of whether its a product design and roll-out, to design a building, engineer a road, or even develop a new software package.

What does project management accomplish?

Once you realize the bottom line of project management, the value becomes obvious. The same way ethics classes teach the best way to apply ethics so the student gets an ethics certificate, project management degree programs teach the way that things get done in any industry. Project management produces results, launches new products, builds buildings, develops people, publishes books, and does any variety of other things. The importance of good project management can't be ignored.

Grasping the importance of project management methodology

By now, you should have some idea of the importance of project management methodology. If project management is the overall process of getting things done, project management methodologies are the best way of getting those things done. Project management methodologies is the guide to use so a project may be approached, managed, organized, maintained, and successfully completed. A skyscraper, for instance, is one huge project management with a lot of little project managements inside. Project management methodology begins to come in handy as you see how the little projects are a part of the bigger one..

Understanding the scope of project management methodology

Project management methodology has actually developed into an exacting science. There are several types of project management methodologies in use today. For example: agile software development, dynamic systems development model, feature driven development, learn development, rapid application development, rational unified process, scrum, spiral, ten step project management process, waterfall process, etc.

Project management methodology have become more than just a dry academic discipline. These are now the tools you need to be productive, how things get done and what now drives your business, This is now the knowledge you need to have in order to be successful.

Cutting edge business tools like these are a hallmark of Colorado Christian University where a great education is a job well done. Teaching faith with the degree programs is where CCU is different than most other universities, and its that difference that is important.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Natural First Aid Remedies are a Great Alternative

Whenever most of us get hurt or sick, the first thing we do is head down to the local pharmacy and stock up on all the over-the-counter remedies we can find. We forget that many of these medicines were created as substitutes for the natural, tried and true remedies, so they would be more convenient and commercially available. Before medicines were created by pharmaceutical companies, we often looked to nature to help heal our ailment. Those natural first aid remedies are again making a comeback. Fast, safe and effective, it makes sense to know a few of the most common natural first aid remedies.

Aches and Pains
Muscle aches and pains are a common complaint, especially when our jobs are physically demanding and as we get older. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that have been proven effective over the years.
• The minerals Magnesium and Calcium have been used quite effectively to help relax the muscles.
• Arnica is known to help soreness and sprains. You can apply this natural anti-inflammatory directly to the skin in a cream or take by mouth. It helps to reduce bleeding while promoting healing.

Sleeplessness can be just an occasional problem, or a symptom of a more serious medical condition. With any sleep disorders, it is best to always seek the opinion of a doctor before diagnosing and treating yourself. Once the doctor has cleared you, there are many natural remedies that will help you get a good night's sleep.
• Melatonin is a hormone that naturally occurs in the body and is also available commercially.
• Valerian is an herb that has proven highly successful as a sleep aid. Unlike over the counter medications, it is thought not to have any addictive qualities.

Bites and Stings
Insect bites and stings are a common problem. Especially so for those who enjoy the outdoors. Most times, insect bites are not serious and will only give a small discomfort. However, they can be dangerous depending on the type of insect and whether the person is allergic. For tick bites especially, always see a doctor. Some of the most common and effective remedies for simple bites and stings include:
• Activated Charcoal will help to draw stingers out from the skin as well as alleviating swelling, itching and pain.
• Vinegar, found in almost every home, is often overlooked as a home remedy. Both white and apple cider vinegar are very useful in easing pain.
• Aloe Vera gel goes a long way to relieve inflammation from bites and stings.
• Calendula cream is useful in repelling insects as well as soothing itchy skin.
• Comfrey cream helps quite effectively in healing.
• Tea tree oil and witch hazel are both very useful antiseptics.

Sore Throat
Sore throats are a common problem and fortunately have many natural and herbal remedies to ease the pain. Some of the more popular include:
• Chamomile tea, a warm cup every few hours helps make the throat more comfortable.
• Betony is an astringent and when used as a tea to gargle, helps clear up some infections.
• Gargling with apple cider vinegar helps kill bacteria.
• Ginger tea is also a great soother.

Burns and Scolds
Serious burns should always be seen by a doctor. However, the pain that comes with almost any kind of burn can be relieved with simple natural remedies.
• Aloe Vera is the most widely available and most effective solutions in burn pain relief. It is used most often for sunburns.
• Lavender oil has also been proven to be very helpful.
• Milk is an effective compress for burn as it helps promote healing. You can either soak the wound for 15 minutes or make a compress for the injured area.

Many of the natural remedies used for common sicknesses and injuries are as effective as over the counter medications and treatments. Consulting a doctor is always advisable for serious or persisting problems.

Pharmaca offers a wide variety of dietary and natural health products because they believe that prevention is the best medicine.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

HD Channels and Satellite TV on a Budget

We have all seen the advertisements for HDTV. The picture is amazing. How wonderful it is to be able to watch movies in their original 16:9 movie theater format without having the cheesy black bands at the top and bottom of the screen. Haven't we all walked through the stores and “Ooooh”’ed and “Ahhh”’ed at the huge 62” screens showing those demos that are designed to show off the picture? It's obvious that HD is the way TV is going with even local stations switching over. Shouldn't we be able to get free HD channels without taking out a second mortgage?

The answer to that used to be “not possible”. However, that was when HD was new. Even the 27” HD TV’s could cost as much as $1000. Finding sources for HD programming was also few and far between. And let's not forget expensive! DVD players couldn't even support HD TV without a major investment on the consumer’s part. Fortunately, all that has changed.

Now HD channels from satellite providers is being offered for free when you sign as a new customer or upgrade your existing package. Most will even throw in HD receivers and/or HD DVR’s so you can record your favorite shows in HD for later. HD TV’s can now be found almost everywhere. It used to be, there were only two places you could find HD TV’s. At big box stores where you would pay thousands of dollars, or at a rent-to-own place where you could wind up paying thousands more by the time you paid it off. Now, they are available at these places as well as places such as Craig’s List, Ebay, and other classifieds.

You no longer need to pay thousands of dollars for a new television. While 27” wide-screen LCD HDTV’s used to be in the thousand dollar range not even 5 years ago, now they can be had new for as little as $300 or for $250 if it’s a certified refurbished unit. And if you are willing to settle for a used TV, but one in perfect condition, they can be found for as little as $150 if you find one at a moving sale or on eBay. A good rule to follow for a used LCD TV in good shape is about $10 for every inch. This makes a used 42” TV should be in the $400 range, but the smaller the screen the smaller the price tag.

HDTV has become so commonplace that there isn’t a way to put a premium price on it any more. Even satellite TV providers know that the best way to get new subscribers is to offer free HD. So, even if you’re on a budget, you can enjoy high definition channels without feeling guilty.

DISH Network's HD Satellite TV customers have access to hundreds of video and audio channels, the most International channels in the U.S., industry-leading Interactive TV applications, and the best sports and movie channels in a wide variety of HD.